PAPN is a national and international networking, prayer, and action outreach in collaboration with several organizations.
The beauty of joining efforts with other ministries and networks is the strategic capacity to impact a broad spiritual authority in combined efforts to bring forth kingdom purposes. We foster unity and agreement in prayer with a broad reach while simultaneously emphasizing relationship, connectedness, and action in our personal spheres of influence from cities, counties, state, national, and international activities.
Main Partners
Directed by Abby Abildness
Healing Tree International is transforming and uniting peacemaking communities utilizing William Penn's peace and unity founding governance principles. HTI honors and respects the cultures of the world because every culture carries a unique revelation of God's creative kingdom purpose. Our healing and culture centers provide a platform for exploring, celebrating, and educating people about the unique beauty and importance of their own culture. This exploration and celebration will help redeem these cultures and align them with their God-ordained destiny. By honoring and calling forth the kingdom aspects of each culture, the various people groups and nations will be able to live in an atmosphere of mutual respect and peace.
Directed by Dr. John Benefiel
God has called the Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network into being by joining the hearts of many Kingdom leaders to the heart of God. We are working together to change the heart of America and the Nations. Our purpose and desire are to see the mountains (Isaiah 2:2) of Religion, Family, Education, Government, Media, Arts & Entertainment, and Business in America and the Nations impacted by the Kingdom of God through our prayers and influence.
Directed by Mike and Cindy Jacobs
Generals International is a prayer-based organization founded by Mike and Cindy Jacobs in 1985 that exists to change lives and transform nations. We are passionate about the message that God cares about every individual, He cares about every nation, and He still speaks to us today. Out of that passion, we develop resources and events to equip believers in spiritual warfare, intercession, and the prophetic.
Other Partners
Become a Partner
PAPN is always looking to connect with new groups to expand and grow the Kingdom of God, both inside and outside of Pennsylvania. If you are interested in partnering with the Pennsylvania Apostolic Prayer Network, please fill out the form below, and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!